Why should you set up your coop's location?
Setting your coop's location allows the Computed Sunrise and Computed Sunset features to work.
What is Computed Sunrise/Sunset?
Computed Sunrise and Sunset are Open and Close settings which calculate the time of sunrise and sunset at your location, updating daily to keep up to date as the seasons change.
How do you set your coop's location in the app?
Step One
From the Home Page, tap on the 3 dots in the top right corner of the screen.
Step Two
Step Three
Tap on "Create New Location".
Step Four
Tap on the "Enter Name" box and type a name for your coop (e.g. My Coop), then tap the ✓ or ENTER key on your keyboard.
Step Five
A list of text boxes will appear on the screen, where you can enter your address. However, not every address will be in the database, so the best way to add your location is to use the "Set on Map" option.
Step Six
Wait for the map to load, and then tap "Use This Address".
Step Seven
Tap on "Done" in the top right corner of the screen.
Then, tap on the X in the top left of the screen to leave the App Settings.