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Solar Power Warning

The Solar Panel is not providing enough power

Updated over 2 months ago

During daylight hours the Solar Panel needs to re-charge the batteries. The voltage being produced by the panel is monitored throughout the day and should the voltage fall below a minimum value, an error message is displayed on the App. This message will remain in place until either the RESET (#1) or Refresh(#2) buttons are pressed.

Before proceeding to reset the alarm message, check the Solar Panel for possible causes outlined below.

Possible Causes for Reduced Power:

  • Make sure that the Solar Panel has direct access to sunlight.

  • During winter months make sure that snow/leaves are not covering the panel.

  • If the panel has become unplugged for any reason, this will also trigger the alarm.

  • During high wind days, it could be that the panel shifted its position.

  • For guidance on the positioning of the Solar Panel please refer to the link below

When either the RESET or Refresh buttons are pressed, the alarm state is cleared. A test is then started to check the condition of the Solar Panels output. If the alarm message clears, this indicates that the Solar Panel is now working optimally.

The system compares the detected light intensity on the ChickenGuard to the voltage produced by the Solar Panel.

How to confirm the Solar Panel is working:

Press the Refresh Button(#2) - also available on the Solar page. This will send a command to the ChickenGuard to read the Solar Panels voltage. If the cause of the error has been rectified, the warning message will get cleared.

Only run the test during daylight hours

You may also check the Solar Panel in the Solar Page. The image below indicates the three states of the Solar Panel

Red - The Solar Panel is NOT charging the batteries

Yellow - The Panel is charging the batteries

Green - The batteries have reached their maximum voltage so the panel is now trickle charging.

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